Who We Are


The Linked Immunisation Action Network (Linked) brings together immunisation practitioners, policymakers, and partners from middle-income countries to identify common immunisation programme challenges and the transformative practices that will lead to greater resilience, equity, and sustainability. Through collaborative peer-to-peer learning, the network engages member countries to:

Understand top immunisation programme challenges, including barriers and threats to maintaining high and equitable immunisation coverage and sustainably introducing new vaccines
Facilitate peer-to-peer knowledge sharing to elevate tested approaches and good practices for strengthening immunisation programming
Support the implementation of good practices and lessons learned — working with and through local partners—to address immunisation programme challenges
Strengthen skills and capacities within immunisation programmes
Capture and disseminate implementation experiences to ensure learning is shared and sustainable

The network employs cross-country, peer-to-peer learning to complement technical assistance, research, and other support from partners. Collaborative learning among peers:

  • Creates space to analyse root causes of implementation challenges
  • Generates practical approaches and good practices that can be shared and applied
  • Increases ownership of implemented good practices and experiences
  • Facilitates opportunities for partners to be responsive to country priorities

“Linked’s collaborative learning activities and resources have played a significant role in improving immunisation system performance. By fostering knowledge sharing, capacity building, evidence-based decision making, collaboration and advocacy, Linked has empowered health professionals and policy makers to effectively address immunisation challenges and improve public health outcomes.”

– Member from Moldova

Who We Are

Funded by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the Linked Immunisation Action Network represents an integral component of Gavi’s strategic approach to engaging with middle-income countries with the goal of preventing backsliding in vaccine coverage and driving the sustainable introduction of key missing vaccines. The network is led by Curatio International Foundation (CIF), the Institute for Health Policy (IHP), and Results for Development (R4D).

The Linked Immunisation Action Network is an evolution of the Learning Network for Countries in Transition (LNCT – also pronounced “linked”), a collaborative learning network that supported over 20 countries transitioning from Gavi support.

Steering Committee

The Linked Immunisation Action Network’s Steering Committee guides the strategic direction and vision of the network and determines the network’s learning agenda – always ensuring that the focus of the network’s activities align with member country priorities. The committee is largely comprised of representatives from member countries, with additional representation from key global partners and champions, including Gavi, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, WHO, and UNICEF.

Member Countries

The Linked Immunisation Action Network is made up of 19 middle-income countries that have transitioned from Gavi support (former Gavis) and 26 countries who have never been eligible for Gavi support (never Gavis). Country engagement is driven by a group of complementary in-country stakeholders, such as decision makers and technical staff from National Expanded Programmes on Immunisation (EPI), National Immunisation Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs), Ministries of Health, Ministries of Finance and other relevant government ministries and departments, as well as local partners providing support to the national immunisation programme. The country groups define their priorities, participate in collaborative peer-to-peer learning engagements, share their challenges, successes, and lessons learned with their network peers, and support the implementation of network learnings to strengthen immunisation programming in their country. While the network’s intensive learning engagements will bring together former Gavi middle-income countries, the resources of the network are open to all countries, and we encourage all practitioners to share their experiences.

Country Teams

Select a country to learn about the team member involved in this program.

Operational Team

  • Network Coordinators
  • Technical Facilitators
Alexandra Regan

Research Associate

Institute for Health Policy

Nihal Abeysinghe

Country Outreach Lead, Immunization Technical Expertise

Institute for Health Policy

Dhanusha Nirmani

Research Associate

Institute for Health Policy

Ruwanthi Elwalagedara

Project Associate

Institute for Health Policy

Common Thread

Common Thread

Ravindra Rannan-Eliya

Senior Advisory & Oversight, Health Systems & Policy Expertise

Institute for Health Policy

Institute for Health Policy

Institute for Health Policy

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Eka Paatashvili

Country Outreach Support, Health Policy & Financing & Immunization Expertise

Curatio International Foundation

Elizabeth Ohadi

Associate Director, Technical & Operations Lead, Partnerships Lead

Results for Development

Results for Development

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Curatio International Foundation

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Helen Saxenian

Senior Fellow

Results for Development

Miloud Kaddar


MK International Consulting

Cristiana Toscano

Independent Consultant and Professor

Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Brazil

Ivdity Chikovani

Country Outreach Lead, Health Policy & Systems Expertise

Curatio International Foundation