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Addressing Insufficient Operational Funding to Reach Zero-Dose Children and Missed Communities


Understanding how to address the challenge of insufficient operational funds available at sub national and facility levels for immunisation coverage and equity.

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File size: 750.15K

Reaching Zero-Dose Children Webinar Series

09/08/2022 - 09/29/2022

Zoom Webinar

The Zero-Dose Children Webinar series will build understanding of how to reach key populations which are missed by immunisation and other basic health services including communities residing in poor urban areas (informal settlements), those affected by conflict and displacement and residents of remote-rural areas. A final webinar will unpack challenges in health workforce in reaching … Read More

All Things Zero-Dose 2.0: A Conversation on How Far We’ve Come


Join immunisation experts on Friday, April 29, 2022 at 8 am EDT for a “fireside chat” on Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube LIVE to discuss how to identify and reach zero-dose children— those who have not received even a single dose of the vaccines that prevent diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and other life-threatening and debilitating diseases– including … Read More

Reaching Zero-Dose Children and Supporting Immunization Equity in Humanitarian Contexts


Zoom Webinar

How do we restore and strengthen immunization to effectively reach populations in humanitarian settings? An estimated two-thirds of zero-dose children live in conflict-affected settings. Research suggests that global conflicts are lasting longer and becoming more complex with greater impacts on civilian populations. A panel of humanitarian and immunization experts will discuss the importance of prioritizing … Read More

Zero-Dose Analysis Card

This card, developed by Gavi, can assist with and/or consolidate analyses relating to zero-dose and under-immunized communities in order to identify Gavi investments in a given country. It offers a step by step process with key questions to help (1) identify how many zero-dose children and missed communities there are and (2) why they have not been reached; (3) develop and implement strategies to address supply and demand-side barriers; (4) monitor strategies implemented; and (5) evaluate the effectiveness of immunization programs in reaching zero-dose children and missed communities.


File size: 525.20K

Opinion: Reach ‘zero-dose’ children to build back better

This opinion piece originally appeared on the Devex website here. The scale of COVID-19 vaccinations offers us a unique chance to focus on these people and communities left furthest behind and reach them with essential health care along with COVAX humanitarian buffer, which is designed to provide the often most neglected populations in humanitarian settings … Read More

Integration of Routine Immunisation Services Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic


Zoom Webinar

Integration is a priority that existed prior to the COVID-19 pandemic; however, the pandemic has highlighted creative solutions employed at a programmatic level. Beyond ad-hoc support, programmes are trialing an integrated approach through public health teams using their vast expertise to deliver a package of services in an efficient and acceptable manner by also taking … Read More