The Sabin Institute contributed to case studies on methods used by Finland, Latvia and the United Kingdom to strengthen immunization legislation.
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Country Laws and Regulations on Sustainable Immunization Financing
The Sabin Institute compiled laws from countries which are part of Sustainable Immunization Financing (SIF) program,
… Read MoreEstimated Economic Impact of Vaccinations in 73 Low- and Middle-income Countries, 2001-2020
Objective: To estimate the economic impact likely to be achieved by efforts to vaccinate against 10 vaccine-preventable diseases between 2001 and 2020 in 73 low- and middle-income countries largely supported by Gavi,
… Read MorePrinciples and Considerations for Adding a Vaccine to a National Immunization Programme
This resource document reviews considerations for planning and implementing the introduction of a vaccine into a national immunization program.
… Read MoreOvercoming Challenges to Sustainable Immunization Financing
Sixteen countries are currently scheduled to ‘graduate’ from GAVI assistance by 2018. Five of these countries were chosen for ‘transition planning’ support from GAVI and other partners in 2012.
… Read MoreGlobal Support for New Vaccine Implementation in Middle-income Countries
This report documents some of the activities already going on in a subset of MICs, including strengthening of national regulatory authorities and national immunization technical advisory groups, and development of comprehensive multi-year plans.
Vaccination Legislation in Latin America and the Caribbean
Governments have the authority and responsibility to ensure vaccination for all citizens. The development of vaccination legislation in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) parallels the emergence of sustainable,
… Read MoreNew Vaccine Adoption in Lower-middle-income Countries
Lower-middle-income countries (LMICs) are lagging behind both high-income and low-income countries in new vaccine adoption. This study involved the following objectives: (1) understand the decision-making processes of LMICs on new vaccine adoption, (2) identify the factors influencing LMIC decisions, (3) obtain the views of vaccine manufacturers about LMIC markets for new vaccines, and (4) make recommendations concerning how to speed up and improve decision making, including proposing mechanisms for implementation of the recommendations,
An Analysis Of How The GAVI Alliance And Low- And Middle-Income Countries Can Share Costs Of New Vaccines
Immunization is one of the “best buys” in global health. However, for the poorest countries,
… Read MoreSustaining GAVI-supported Vaccine Introductions in Resource-poor Countries
Since 2000, GAVI provided essential support for an unprecedented increase in the use of hepatitis B (HepB) and Haemophilus influenzae (Hib) containing vaccines in resource poor countries. This increase was supported with significant funding from international donors, intended to be time-limited. To assess the sustainability of this important expansion of the global access to vaccines, the authors of this article reviewed supply chains, financial resources for procurement and decision-making in countries that introduced hepatitis B or Hib vaccines with GAVI support.