WHO and UNICEF reviewed available data submitted to the organizations and grey papers to make individual country estimates of immunization coverage.
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Our resource library is a searchable collection of documents, tools, and resources on achieving sustainable and equitable immunisation programmes. You can filter the resources by topic, type, or country.
WHO Immunization Schedules Database by Country
The WHO’s Immunization schedule selection center is a searchable database of global, regional, and national summaries on vaccine application. Each page includes information a description of the vaccine, antigens, ages vaccination is administered, and whether or not coverage is complete.
Immunization Financing Indicators from WHO-UNICEF Joint Reporting Form
The WHO and UNICEF Joint Reporting Form (JRF) mechanism have collected data on immunization financing indicators for nearly twenty years to capture global trends and performance in WHO member nations.
The Immunization Financing Indicators page comprises of an interactive map and data on immunization expenditure, comprehensive Multi-Year Plans and other relevant indicators.
Addis Declaration on Universal Access to Immunization as a Cornerstone for Health and Development in Africa
We, African Ministers of Health, Finance, Education, Social Affairs, Local Governments attending the Ministerial Conference on Immunization in Africa,
… Read MoreGavi’s Transition Policy: Moving From Development Assistance To Domestic Financing Of Immunization Programs
This article discusses some of the challenges facing countries currently transitioning out of Gavi support, how Gavi’s policies have evolved to help manage the risks involved in this process, and the lessons learned from this experience.
Country Ownership And Gavi Transition: Comprehensive Approaches To Supporting New Vaccine Introduction
Since the mid-2000s low- and lower-middle-income countries have been focusing on developing and using evidence for immunization policy making,
… Read MoreEPIC Studies: Governments Finance, On Average, More Than 50 Percent Of Immunization Expenses, 2010–11
Governments in resource-poor settings have traditionally relied on external donor support for immunization. Under the Global Vaccine Action Plan,
… Read MoreReturn on Investment from Childhood Immunization in Low- and Middle-income Countries, 2011-20
An analysis of return on investment can help policy makers support, optimize, and advocate for the expansion of immunization programs in the world’s poorest countries.
… Read MoreImmunization Toolkit: Resources for the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI)
The Immunization Toolkit functions as a small repository of PAHO/WHO guidelines, technical recommendations,
… Read MoreCosts and Financing of Routine Immunization: Approach and Selected Findings of a Multi-country Study (EPIC)
This study provides a wealth of high quality information on total and unit costs and financing for routine immunization, and demonstrates the value of in-depth facility approaches. The paper discusses the lessons learned from using a standardized approach, as well as proposes further areas of methodology development. The paper discusses how results can be used for resource mobilization and allocation, improved efficiency of services at the country level, and to inform policies at the global level.