LNCT Workshop Resources: Engaging the Private Sector to Support Immunization


October 27, 28, 29 and November 3


  • Define the private sector and how they can support immunization programming
  • Discuss common challenges and understand the risks associated with engaging the private sector
  • Discuss best practices for engaging the private sector
  • Understand how to make good use of private sector expertise
  • Discuss practical ways to start engaging the private sector


Click on ‘+’ sign below to see each day’s agenda.

Day 1: Overview of the Private Sector and Immunization
Length Session Title Presenter(s)
30 mins Welcome & Introduction Leah List & Grace Chee
30 mins Overview of Private Sector Grace Chee
10 mins Break
45 mins Private Sector Assessment Catherine Clarence & Tess Shiras
40 mins Country Group Work Country Facilitators
10 mins Break
10 mins Workshop Reflections Country Teams
10 mins Closing Grace Chee
Day 2: Social Mobilization and Service Delivery from the Private Sector
Length Session Title Presenter(s)
10 mins Welcome Grace Chee
45 mins Demand Generation Sherine Guirguis & Felicity Pocklington
10 mins Break
45 mins Provision of Services Helen Saxenian & Miloud Kaddar
40 mins Country Group Work Country Facilitators
10 mins Break
10 mins Workshop Reflections Country Teams
10 mins Closing Grace Chee
Day 3: Innovative Solutions and Other Support from the Private Sector to Strengthen Immunization
Length Session Title Presenter(s)
10 mins Welcome Grace Chee
30 mins Innovative Solutions: Decision Framework Blair Palmer
50 mins Country Innovation Examples Elizabeth Ohadi
10 mins Break
15 mins Innovation Question & Answer Elizabeth Ohadi
40 mins Country Group Work Country Facilitators
10 mins Break
10 mins Workshop Reflections Country Teams
5 mins Closing Grace Chee
Day 4: Exchange of Country Action Plans and Mitigating Challenges
Length Session Title Presenter(s)
10 mins Welcome Grace Chee
40 mins Peer Exchange Country Facilitators
10 mins Break
30 mins Sharing of Country Group Work Country Teams
20 mins Workshop Reflections Grace Chee
10 mins Closing Grace Chee

Workshop Materials

Materials from the workshop, including presentations, worksheets, country posters, and recordings, will be made available on this page.

Country Group Worksheets

Access the country group worksheets by clicking here.

Day 1 Materials

Presentation Slides: English | Français | Português | русский

Day 1 Recording:

Day 2 Materials

Presentation Slides: English | Français | Português | русский

Day 2 Recording:

Day 3 Materials

Presentation Slides: English | Français | Português | русский

Day 3 Recording:

Day 4 Materials

Presentation Slides: English | Français | Português | русский

Day 4 Recording:

Other Materials

Workshop ReportEnglish | русский

Country Posters

Congo: English | Français | Português | русский

Côte d’Ivoire: English | Français | Português | русский

Georgia: English | Français | Português | русский

Kenya: English | Français | Português | русский

São Tomé and Príncipe: English | Français | Português | русский

Sudan: English | Français | Português | русский

Workshop Participants

CongoCôte d'IvoireGeorgiaKenyaSão Tomé and PríncipeSudan
Alexis Mourou Moyoka, Directeur, Programme Elargi de vaccination (PEV) de la République du Congo
(Director of the Expanded Immunization Program (EPI))
Mes attentes pour l’atelier : disposer des meilleurs outils pour mieux intégrer les formations sanitaires privées(secteur privé de la santé) dans la vaccination de routine et les campagnes de vaccination du PEV mais aussi pour mobiliser les ressources du secteur privé (secteur privé économique) dans le financement des activités du PEV
(What I hope to learn during this workshop: have the best tools to better integrate private health facilities (private health sector) in routine immunization and EPI vaccination campaigns but also to mobilize resources from the private sector (private economic sector) in the financing of EPI activities)

Edouard Ndinga, Head of Polio Programme at World Health Organization in Congo






Emeriand Dieu Merci Kibangou, Directeur des études et de la planification du Ministère en charge de la santé
(Director of Studies and planning of the Ministry in charge of health)




Hermann Ngossaki, Health Administrator, UNICEF Congo Brazza office






Hilaire Mavoungou, Conseiller au budget du Ministre des finances et du budget
(Budget advisor to the Minister of Finance and Budget)
Mes attentes pour l’atelier : Mon intérêt pour ce séminaire est de voir si le secteur privé dans d’autres pays intervient dans le financement de la vaccination et comment cela se fait. Le cas des pays ayant un niveau de développement similaire au notre (avec un secteur privé pas très développé) serait idéal.
(My interest in this seminar is to see if and how the private sector in other countries is involved in immunization financing. The case of countries with a similar level of development to ours (with a not very developed private sector) would be ideal. )


Paul Oyere Moke, Directeur Général de la Population au Ministère de la santé, de la population, de la promotion de la femme et de l’intégration de la femme
(Director General of Population at the Ministry of Health, Population, Promotion of Women and Integration of Women)
Mes attentes pour l’atelier : Quel était l’apport du secteur privé dans le financement de la vaccination pour maintenir la couverture vaccinale dans le contexte de la pandémie à coronavirus dans d’autres pays. Comment les autres pays ont -ils affronté les fausses rumeurs sur la vaccination liées à l’expérimentation des vaccins contre la COVID-19 dans certains pays. L’importance du partenariat public-privé dans les pays en développement.
(What was the contribution of the private sector in the financing of vaccination to maintain vaccination coverage in the context of the coronavirus pandemic in other countries? How did other countries deal with false rumors about vaccination related to the testing of COVID-19 vaccines? The importance of public-private partnership in developing countries)

Diabiga Octave Coulibaly, Responsable Suivi-Évaluation, Unité de Coordination des Programmes à Financements Extérieurs (UCP-FE), Ministère de la Santé et de l’Hygiène Publique
(Head of Monitoring-Evaluation, Coordination Unit for Externally Financed Programs (UCP-FE), Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene)
Mes attentes pour l’atelier : Comprendre comment engager les organisations du secteur privé à but lucratif et celles à but non-lucratif dans le renforcement des programmes de vaccination, y compris la prestation de services, la génération de demande, et l’application des pratiques et technologies du secteur privé.
(Understand how to engage private for-profit and not-for-profit sector organizations in strengthening immunization programs, including service delivery, demand generation, and the application of private sector practices and technologies.

Fanta Dosso, Point focal vaccination à la direction Générale de la santé
(Immunization focal point at the Directorate General of Health )
Mes attentes pour l’atelier :  Savoir aligner les intérêts du secteur privé avec les objectifs du ministère en matière de vaccination; Comment avoir accès aux informations du secteur privé en matière de vaccination
(How to align the interests of the private sector with the Ministry’s immunization objectives; How to access private sector immunization information)


Jean-Marc Bertrand Korandji, Médecin économiste de la santé chargé de prestation, de la formation des agents du PEV et auditeur interne, Direction de Coordination du Programme Elargi de Vaccination
(Medical health economist in charge of delivery and training of EPI agents and internal auditor, Directorate for Coordination of the Expanded Program on Immunization)
Mes attentes pour l’atelier : être capable de mettre en place un système de fédération des structures sanitaires privées pour les activités de vaccination PEV afin de mieux collaborer pour réduire les abandons et augmenté la couverture vaccinal en atteignant grâce à eu les populations situé à plus de 10 km du centre de santé publique.
(What I hope to learn during this workshop: Be able to set up a system of federation of private health structures for EPI vaccination activities in order to better collaborate to reduce dropouts and increase vaccination coverage by reaching populations located more than 10 km from the public health center.)

Beka Jakeli, Head of Financial-budgetary Unit at the Ministry of IDP’s from Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia





Ekaterine Adamia, Head of Health Care Policy Unit at the Ministry of IDP’s from Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia




Eka Paatashvili, Curatio International Foundation






Gia Kobalia, Head of Financial Unit at the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health





Irine Javakhadze, Coordinate the budget process in Health and social sphere, Budget Department, Ministry of Finance
What I hope to learn during this workshop: I think that by attending the learning workshop I will extend my knowledge in planning on engaging the private sector to support immunization. This workshop will also help me to perform my job duties more efficiently in the direction of planning health programs, and personally as a local PFM expert. It is also interesting to listen to representatives of other foreign countries and learn and share their experience by directions `Innovative solutions and other support from the private sector to strengthen immunization.


Ivdity Chikovani, Senior Researcher, Curatio International Foundation





Lia Jabidze, Head of Immunization Unit at the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health





Vladimer Getia, Head of Health Program Unit at the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health




Anthony Ngatia, Associate Director, Clinton Health Access Initiative






Christopher Malala, Senior Accountant, Ministry of Health





Collins Tabu, Head National Vaccines and Immunization Program






Lucy Mecca, Deputy EPI Manager, National Vaccines and Immunization Program, Ministry of Health
What I hope to learn during this workshop: I hope to learn from the experience of countries that transitioned, specifically the challenges they faced during resource mobilization and how they mitigated those challenges.




Moleen Cheptoo, Senior Finance Officer





Carlos Alberto Costa, Chefe de Departamento, Ministério do Planeamento, Finanças e Economia Azul, Direcção do Orçamento
(Head of Department, Ministry of Planning, Finance and Blue Economy, Budget Directorate)
Espero que deste Workshop : eu possa beber da experiência dos outros países que ja têm esta prática e poder sugerir de uma forma adaptativa a realidade do meu país
(What I hope to learn during this workshop: I can drink from the experience of other countries that already have this practice and can suggest in an adaptive way the reality of my country)


Cristiana Toscano

Cristiana Toscano, Physician at Federal University of Goias (UFG) Infectious Disease





Ednilza Solange V.N.Gomes de Barros, Coordenadora do PSR/PAV
(PSR/PAV Coordinator)
Espero que deste Workshop : Espero aprender com outros países o papel que o sector privado desempenha no apoio a vacinação  e em que aspecto podem apoiar o programa Nacional
(I hope to learn from other countries the role that the private sector plays in supporting immunization and how they can support the National program)


Feliciana Sousa Pontes, Directora dos Cuidados de Saude
(Director of Health Care)





Jorge Cravid, Director da DAF
(Director of DAF)





Leonel Carvalho, Secretário Executivo do CCM, Conselho de Coordenação Multissetorial
(Executive Secretary of CCM, Multi-sectoral Coordination Council)
Espero que deste Workshop : Adquirir o maior conhecimento possível de forma a estar preparado para participar nas ações que galvanizam o maior envolvimento do sector privado para sua participação nas questões da vacinação/imunização.
(What I hope to learn during this workshop: Acquire as much knowledge as possible in order to be prepared to participate in the actions that galvanize the greater involvement of the private sector for its participation in vaccination/immunization issues.)


Neurice Ramos, Directora do fundo nacional dos medicamentos
(Director of the National Drug Fund)





Vladimer Costa e Sousa, Logistico de PAV
(PAV Logistics)





Abdalla Hassan, Deputy National EPI Manager and Head of Planning and Policy Unit, EPI, FMoH
What I hope to learn during this workshop: I hope to learn more about how best to engage private sector in Immunization program.




Asrar Fadulelsied, Deputy Manager, GAVI-HSS PMU, Sudan Federal Ministry of Health
What I hope to learn during this workshop: How to bring the commercial private sector to the development of immunization program as an equal partner (win-win agreement) and challenges for engaging the private sector in immunization services where the vaccination services are free for the client in the developing country.



Hajir Ali Jabrallah, Head of Supplementary Immunization Activities Unit and Public Health Specialist, FMOH/ EPI Sudan
What I hope to learn during this workshop: How to involve the private sector in support of immunization and Planning Quality Methods for this work.




Hanan Elhag Abdo Mukhtar, Expanded Programme on Immunization, World Health Organization Country Office, Sudan





Khalid Mahjoob, Head of Routine Immunization Unit





Facilitators & Presenters

Grace Chee
Helen Saxenian
Miloud Kaddar
Sherine Guirguis
Catherine Clarence
Tess Shiras
Elizabeth Ohadi
Felicity Pocklington
Blair Palmer

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