LNCT Webinar Resources: Strengthening Public-Private Engagement for Immunization Delivery

LNCT hosted a webinar on November 26, 2019 on Strengthening Public-Private Engagement for Immunization Delivery. Ann Levin presented key findings and observations from case studies on different ways that the MoH engages with private sector providers to support immunization program performance. Participants then heard experiences from two countries —Temwa Mzengeza, National Routine Immunization Officer, Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI), Ministry of Health, Malawi and Ekaterine Adamia, Head of Public Heathcare and Programs Division of Healthcare Department, Ministry of Health, Georgia — with different models for engaging with private providers. The webinar concluded with a 20 minute moderated question & answer discussion with the panelists.

Included here are the presentation materials used for the webinar.

Session Slides:  English | Français | Português | русский

Session Recording:


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