LNCT Transition Dashboards


Understanding Gavi transitioning countries’ progress and challenges around key health and immunization indicators.   


Compare the performance of your country to other transitioning countries based on key indicators and use that information to learn about approaches that may help improve lower performance areas.   


LNCT’s interactive transition dashboards provide a really helpful overview of transitioning countries’ progress and challenges and also highlight some areas where additional support to countries may be needed. There are a total of three transition dashboards that can be explored:

  1. Country dashboards – provide a detailed breakdown of key transition indicators across the dimensions of coverage, equity, systems, economic performance, and health and immunization financing.
  2. Health & Immunization Financing dashboardshows how LNCT countries compare to each other in terms of economic performance and health financing.
  3. Immunization Performance, Service Delivery, and Supply Data dashboard demonstrates how LNCT countries compare to each other in terms of immunization performance, service delivery and supply.

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