Linked Workshop: Designing and Managing Electronic Immunisation Registers (EIRs) to Improve Immunisation Outcomes


Learning about country experiences designing, implementing, and managing national electronic immunisation registers.


Country immunisation stakeholders who are considering building or scaling up an EIR can learn from the experiences of Linked countries and identify barriers and strategies to address barriers as they design and implement an EIR.


Falling IT costs and improved internet access, coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic’s acute demonstration of the benefits of electronic immunisation registers (EIRs), have increased interest in improving EIRs in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. However, many middle-income countries (MICs) continue to experience challenges in the design and implementation of EIRs, including developing a functional technical and governance structure, integrating multiple reporting sites and private sector vaccine providers, ensuring data quality, and connecting data systems.

Linked held an in-person workshop with country immunisation stakeholders who are actively engaged in the establishment and implementation of EIRs – Bhutan, Guyana, Indonesia, Uzbekistan and Vietnam – to share experiences and discuss common challenges, as well as potential approaches and strategies to address these challenges, related to the design, implementation, and use of a national EIR.

Workshop Presentation

Vietnam EPI: Electronic Immunisation Registers (EIRs), Indonesia Study Tour

Country Context Overview Presentations





Viet Nam

Related Resources

Practitioner Perspective: Designing and managing electronic immunisation registers (EIRs) to improve immunisation outcomes – Experiences from Bhutan and Guyana

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