News & Events


36th International Papillomavirus Conference

11/12/2024 - 11/15/2024

Edinburgh, UK

Join researchers, clinicians and other health professionals at the 36th International Papillomavirus Conference: “Equitable, Evidence-Based Approaches to HPV Disease”. Conference topics include: Prevention of HPV infection and their associated diseases and cancers especially cervical cancer The molecular biology, immunology and epidemiology of PVs in understanding pathogenesis. Expanding scientific knowledge to benefit the whole community Learn more … Read More


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Results 181 - 190 of 230

Materials from Immunization Economics’ 2019 iHEA Pre-Congress Session Now Available

As part of the 2019 iHEA biennial world congress in Basel, Switzerland, the Immunization Economics Special Interest Group (SIG) organized a pre-congress session on July 13-14. The program, which focused on the generation and use of information surrounding immunization costing, financing, and value of vaccination, included: Featured updates on research findings, methodology, and cases; Concurrent … Read More

Practitioner Perspectives: 2019 Network-Wide Meeting Interview Series – Indonesia Interview on Challenges and Successes of their Gavi Transition

Georgia, Indonesia

During our network-wide meeting, which took place in Tangerang, Indonesia in July 2019, we sat down with a few participants to hear about their experiences related to topics around their Gavi transition experiences. This interview features the following LNCT members: Interviewer: Irine Javakhadze, Chief Specialist, Consolidated Budget Formulation Division, Ministry of Finance, Georgia Interviewees: Hashta … Read More

Innovative Fridge Protecting Vaccines from Power Outages

This article originally appeared in The Telegraph. Below is an excerpt.  Vaccines are often temperature sensitive, with inoculations for diseases including hepatitis, typhoid and polio sensitive to both high and low temperatures. This presents a major challenge for health workers dispensing vaccines across the world, particularly in areas with limited or unreliable electricity supplies. But Sure Chill, a British technology and … Read More

LNCT Member Newsletter July/August 2019

LNCT Updates Materials from 2019 LNCT Network-wide Meeting Now Available Earlier this month, the Learning Network for Countries in Transition (LNCT), in partnership with the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Gavi, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, held its third network-wide meeting in Tangerang, Indonesia. The meeting brought together country delegates from 14 of the … Read More

Practitioner Perspectives: Tbilisi Vaccine Procurement Workshop Interview Series – Varduhi Grigoryan (2 of 4)


During our regional vaccine procurement workshop, which took place in Tbilisi, Georgia in April 2019, we sat down with a few participants to hear about their experiences related to topics ranging from vaccine forecasting, vaccine budgeting, and vaccine regulatory issues. This interview (second in a series of 4) is with Varduhi Grigoryan, Head of Department … Read More

Practitioner Perspectives: Tbilisi Vaccine Procurement Workshop Interview Series – Dilorom Tursunova (1 of 4)

During our regional vaccine procurement workshop, which took place in Tbilisi, Georgia in April 2019, we sat down with a few participants to hear about their experiences related to topics ranging from vaccine forecasting, vaccine budgeting, and vaccine regulatory issues. This interview (first in a series of 4) is with Dilorom Tursunova, Deputy Chief of the … Read More

LNCT Member Newsletter May 2019

LNCT Updates Materials from European Regional Vaccine Procurement Workshop Now Available Last month, the Learning Network for Countries in Transition (LNCT) and the UNICEF Vaccine Procurement Practitioners Network (VPPN) co-hosted their first regional procurement workshop in Tbilisi, Georgia. LNCT members Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Uzbekistan joined fellow VPPN members North Macedonia and Serbia for three days of … Read More

Update for Countries and Regional Partners Requesting Gavi Post-transition Support

In November 2017, the Gavi Board approved continued Gavi Alliance engagement with transitioned countries and a budget allocation of up to US$30m to support these countries until 2020. Support is being provided for technical assistance in key programmatic areas, including supply chain, LMC and data, paying special attention to innovative approaches and government commitment to … Read More

CALL FOR INPUTS: “Draft Zero” of Immunization Agenda 2030

“Draft Zero” of the Immunization Agenda 2030, is aimed at setting a new vision and strategy for vaccines and immunization for the next decade (2021-2030). The draft document is a step along the way in co-creating the future of immunization together – one that reflects the collective inputs of many people, coming from different organizations including from governments, communities, … Read More