To provide a formal and collaborative consultation process that includes country and partner voices, the Learning Network for Countries in Transition (LNCT) is now welcoming nominations for 3-6 country representatives for the steering committee, which will be comprised of LNCT funders, development partners, and country core group (CCG) representatives. The steering committee will have a … Read More
Find the latest news related to achieving sustainable and equitable immunisation programmes, as well as the archive of past Linked newsletter issues.
Good Data Saves Lives: How Digital Record-keeping is Helping Transform Immunization in Tanzania
“Part of Tanzania’s new Electronic Immunisation Register (EIR), this shiny gadget looks futuristic and out-of-place against a backdrop of crumpled paper records and traditional tribal dress. But with the swipe of finger, its role becomes clear. On its screen appear the medical records of a mother and infant, instantly showing the team which vaccinations that … Read More
From Silos to Sustainability: Transition Through a UHC Lens
Focusing attention only on replacing external assistance with domestic revenues for the programmes concerned is problematic in two ways: firstly, this approach limits the sustainability question to revenues, and secondly, it limits the scope for action to the specific health programme that was receiving external support. The commitment countries have made to universal health coverage … Read More
LNCT Newsletter September 2018: Highlights from GIM, Tool to Help with Stock-outs, and more
The September edition of the LNCT newsletter is now out, featuring highlights from the Global Immunization Meeting, a tool that helps EPI managers prevent stock-outs, an expansion of the Immunization Delivery Cost Catalogue, and more! English | Français | Português | русский
Lessons in Transition: The Honduras Experience
In 2016, Honduras successfully transitioned out of Gavi support to fully fund its own immunization program. Former Minister of Health in Honduras, Dr. Edna Yolani Bátres, reflects on her country’s experience of transition and shares lessons learned in this new Q&A.
BID Initiative Launches Set of Tools to Improve Immunization Service Delivery
Over the last five years, the BID Initiative has created several planning, implementation, and data strengthening tools that can be used to improve immunization service delivery. The planning tools can help stakeholders understand the landscape for immunization service delivery, as well as the different actors who can contribute to the success of the implementation; the … Read More
Rotavirus Vaccine Cuts Infant Diarrhea Deaths by a Third in Malawi
A major new study led by scientists at the University of Liverpool, UCL, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and partners in Malawi, has shown that rotavirus vaccination reduced infant diarrhea deaths by 34 percent in rural Malawi, a region with high levels of child deaths. This study provides the first population-level evidence from … Read More
Transition Twins: Sri Lanka and Timor-Leste Team Up for Sustainable Immunization
Over 5,000 kilometres separate Sri Lanka and Timor-Leste, but there are strong parallels between the countries’ two health systems. Both have lived through recent devastating internal conflict. Both have had to rebuild and reintegrate their health infrastructure. And, in the past two years, both have also transitioned out of Gavi support to take fully responsibility … Read More
What You Should Know About Global Health Financing Transitions: Five Key Takeaways
Projected Health Financing Transitions: Timeline and Magnitude, a new working paper that was recently released, maps out an indicative timeline of transition through 2040 across five global health financing mechanisms, including Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Research findings from the paper show that: By 2040, Gavi will see major transformations of its funding portfolios Countries in … Read More
Transitioning Financial Responsibility for Health Programs from External Donors to Developing Countries: Key Issues and Recommendations for Policy and Research
This paper, published in the Journal of Global Health, explains why the transition of financing responsibility for health programs from external donors to domestic governments is picking up momentum; highlights the main challenges that countries and donors face in achieving smooth transitions that preserve health gains; points to the key strategies and tools that should … Read More