Geneva, 31 July 2020 – A total of 92 low- and middle-income countries and economies will be able to access COVID-19 vaccines through Gavi’s COVAX Advance Market Commitment (AMC), the Gavi Board agreed yesterday. The Board also agreed that the Gavi secretariat will host and administer the COVAX Facility, the umbrella mechanism to which 78 countries have already submitted … Read More
Find the latest news related to achieving sustainable and equitable immunisation programmes, as well as the archive of past Linked newsletter issues.
Keeping Routine Immunization Going During COVID-19 in Indonesia
The Jakarta local government implemented large-scale social restriction, such as closing public spaces, restricting public transport and limiting travel to and from the rest of the country during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this Q&A that Gavi conducted with Dr Vertando Halim, Coordinator of Expanded Program on Immunization, Jakarta, Indonesia, we hear about the challenges the Jakarta government faced … Read More
How Digital Tools are Helping Pakistan Monitor Routine Immunization During the Pandemic
In Pakistan, urban communities were the first to feel the impact of COVID-19. But the virus has spread to all corners of the country to such an extent that officials have been debating if a second lockdown is needed to stop further transmission. A Gavi-supported digital immunization registry has helped keep track of vaccination activities to make sure … Read More
CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Sabin’s Social and Behavioral Interventions for Vaccination Acceptance Small Grants Program Awarding $25,000 for Intervention Research Projects for Increasing Vaccination Confidence
The Sabin Vaccine Institute is proud to announce its second iteration of the Social and Behavioral Interventions for Vaccination Acceptance Small Grants Program. Under this program, grants of $25,000 each will be awarded for intervention research projects, which can be conducted over a period of 10 months beginning in September 2020. The primary goal of … Read More
World Leaders Make Historic Commitments to Provide Equal Access to Vaccines for All
This news announcement originally appeared on Gavi’s website. World leaders have pledged an additional US$ 8.8 billion for Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, far exceeding the target of US$ 7.4 billion. The funding will help immunize 300 million more children in the world’s poorest countries against diseases like measles, polio and diphtheria by the end of … Read More
Immunization Status in the Context of COVID-19 – Brief Survey to Help WHO, UNICEF, Gavi and the Boost Immunization Professional Community Understand Current Disruptions and Recovery Plans During COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 has affected immunization programs around the world. The pulse poll done in April suggested that immunization delivery disruptions were widespread through all continents. That information was used to revise/develop global guidance and plan for upcoming webinars. However, the situation changes rapidly. We are asking for your help to better understand the current disruptions and … Read More
LNCT Member Newsletter May 2020
LNCT Updates Materials from Special Peer Learning Discussion Group on COVID-19 Impact on Immunization Programs Available Online On April 30, LNCT organized a special peer learning discussion group for countries to discuss the pandemic’s impact on immunization programs and responses across countries. Several LNCT countries – Georgia, India, and Indonesia – shared their current experiences … Read More
Коронавирус и вакцинация – что будет, если не делать плановые прививки Читать далееl
Несмотря на это, некоторые родители боятся вести в поликлинику своих детей, чтобы не заразиться коронавирусом. Другая часть родителей заявляет, что из-за введенных ограничений они просто не могут вернуться из сел или дач в город и сделать детям прививки. “Мне страшно” Малышу жительницы Тбилиси Н.Б. 3 мая исполняется два месяца. Именно с этого возраста начинается … Read More
Over 13 million children did not receive any vaccines at all even before COVID-19 disrupted global immunization – UNICEF
As the world waits desperately for a vaccine, the COVID-19 pandemic is continuing to surge across the globe. Millions of children are in danger of missing life-saving vaccines against measles, diphtheria and polio due to disruptions in immunization services. At last count, most countries had suspended mass polio campaigns and 25 countries had postponed mass measles … Read More
Statement by the Measles & Rubella Initiative: More than 117 Million Children At Risk of Missing Out on Measles Vaccines, As COVID-19 Surges
This is a statement by the Measles & Rubella Initiative comprising of American Red Cross, U.S. CDC, UNICEF, United Nations Foundation and WHO. This originally appeared on the Measles & Rubella Initiative website. ATLANTA/GENEVA/NEW YORK, 14 April 2020: As COVID-19 continues to spread globally, over 117 million children in 37 countries may miss out on … Read More