The Moth Storytelling Workshop for Those Personally Affected by Issues Related to Vaccines

February 3, 2020 - February 10, 2020

The Gates Foundation has an ongoing partnership with The Moth, a non-profit organization dedicated to the art and craft of personal storytelling. Through this partnership, The Moth has agreed to run storytelling workshops to elevate the stories of the incredible advocates, leaders, researchers, health care workers, and development practitioners with whom we work.

The Moth is organizing two workshops in Nairobi, Kenya in February 2020 with a specific focus on immunization. They are looking for 24 individuals to participate in these workshops where they can hone their own personal stories and public speaking skills. Anyone who has a story to tell about vaccines/immunization is a potential candidate. The application process is open until Friday, November 8, 2019.

All costs (travel, lodging, meals) will be covered. Past participants have found this to be a very meaningful opportunity, personally and professionally.

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