Teach to Reach Accelerator Conference

January 26, 2021 - January 28, 2021

The Global Council of Learning Leaders for Immunization invites you to join the first Teach to Reach Accelerator Conference hosted by The Geneva Learning Foundation.

Conference Dates: 26-28 January 2021

Registration deadline: 17 January 2021

Registration: Click here to secure your seat

What is this conference about?

  • COVID-19 vaccine introduction may be the most complex learning challenge the immunization community has faced.
  • This conference will explore what immunization staff need to learn and how we need to change to get new vaccines to new target groups at speed.
  • Alongside the urgency of “learning to learn” during the pandemic, this Conference aims to contribute to the change that is needed to make learning and leadership a “best buy” for both donors and countries and a key driver for innovation that will propel immunization staff on their way to achieving the global goals.

Who is organizing this conference?

  • This event, hosted by The Geneva Learning Foundation with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is being curated by an organizing committee of 282 country-based immunization professionals who completed the Teach to Reach Scholar program in 2020.
  • Country teams from the COVID-19 Peer Hub will be sharing what they have learned during the pandemic and how they are preparing for COVID-19 vaccine introduction.

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