Strengthening Local Capacity to Apply Behavioral Science to Immunisation Programmes

January 17, 2023

The Behavioral Science – Immunization Network project sought to understand practitioners’ capabilities in behavioral science and to explore its application to immunization in Nepal. The project conducted a scoping exercise in Nepal to understand the existing capacity of practitioners to apply behavioral science to immunization programming. Identifying the need to bring together stakeholders for multisectoral collaboration, knowledge sharing, and capacity strengthening to improve the knowledge and practical application of behavioral science approaches in the country, Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences established a Behavioral Science Center in January 2022 with technical and financial support from JSI and UNICEF Nepal. Join colleagues from JSI, Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences, and UNICEF Nepal to discuss the process of establishing a Behavior Science Center and how the Center is strengthening student, health worker, and government capacity to use behavioral science tools and approaches for immunization and other public health programs.

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