PATH’s Vaccine Cost Calculators: Resources to inform immunisation decision-making


Examining estimated vaccination program costs for different vaccine products.


Decision-makers and implementers in middle-income countries can use these vaccine cost calculators to compare vaccination program costs and cold chain volumes associated with different product options for pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines, enabling evidence-based decision-making to support the introduction and continued use of these important vaccines.


PATH’s Vaccine Cost Calculators provide an easy way to compare the costs of certain vaccination programs with each vaccine product available in the global market. These Excel-based tools are available in multiple languages, and we have two different sets of calculators: one for middle-income countries and another for countries eligible for co-funding from Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Both sets of calculators allow country-level policymakers to input local data and then compare estimated vaccination program costs for different vaccine products and presentations, exploring multiple vaccine options at once.

For middle-income countries, PATH currently offer calculators for pneumococcal conjugate vaccines and rotavirus vaccines. Both calculators enable users to compare the estimated cold chain volume and financial costs of different vaccination programs annually and for a total period of five years. Users also can add domestically produced vaccine options that are not available in the global market, as well as compare costs for up to three different scenarios of multi-vaccine use for countries that plan to use more than one product at the same time.

For Gavi-eligible countries, PATH currently offer calculators for pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, rotavirus vaccines, and human papillomavirus vaccines. The pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccine calculators allow users to compare the estimated cold chain volume and financial costs of different vaccination programs annually and for a total period of five years. The human papillomavirus vaccine calculator provides comparisons of vaccination program costs annually and for a period of 10 years.

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