Results from our First Annual Network-Wide Survey Are In!

The objectives of LNCT’s first annual network-wide survey, conducted over summer 2021, were to understand how members saw LNCT as contributing to improved performance and sustainability of their immunization programs, to capture member learning priorities for the upcoming year, and to determine members’ preferred modalities for engaging with the network generally, and during the COVID-19 pandemic specifically. This brief and companion slide deck summarize the results and provides recommendations for how the network can build on its strengths, continuously improve, and be most responsive to LNCT members during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

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LNCT Member Newsletter March 2019

LNCT Updates LNCT Steering Committee Holds Inaugural Meeting LNCT’s steering committee held its inaugural meeting this February with representation from the Nigeria and Georgia country teams, as well as from Gavi, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, WHO, and UNICEF.  The launch of the steering committee marks an important moment in the evolution of the network and … Read More