ThinkWell Webinar: Sustainable Immunization Financing: Investing in Prevention to Secure Healthy Communities

September 15, 2021

Join ThinkWell for their second Counterpoint webinar “Sustainable Immunization Financing: Investing in Prevention to Secure Healthy Communities” on September 15 at 8:00 AM EDT as they debate the issues that immunization programs face in securing and sustaining the resources they need to be able to deliver high-performing prevention services.




We have invited an exciting group of experts to help explore and dig into the issues behind decisions that influence financing for immunization. Even in high and middle-income settings—immunization programs are not always prioritized by policymakers and those who advise them. Our debaters will reveal and discuss the hard truths about how and why sufficient public funding does not always materialize, despite generally widespread belief in the value of vaccines.

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