Discussion Series on Reaching Every District using Quality Improvement Tools (RED-QI)

May 12, 2021 - May 26, 2021


Boost, in partnership with John Snow, Inc. (JSI), is pleased to announce a three-part discussion series beginning next week on the lessons learned from ten years of implementation of the Reaching Every District using Quality Improvement Tools (RED-QI) approach in Ethiopia and Uganda.

The series will examine how to help achieve equity and reduce the number of unvaccinated children through building capacity for problem solving – a targeted and tailored approach to improve the routine immunization system that is aligned with priorities of WHO’s Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA 2030) and Gavi’s strategy for 2021-2015 (Gavi 5.0).

This series will provide an overview of the RED-QI approach followed by a deeper dive into the processes and tools used to implement the approach. Moreover, the series promises to be interactive, participatory and will address current challenges the global immunization community is facing, as we strive to address the COVID-19 pandemic while continuing to work towards the goal of universal immunization.

An outline of the three-part series is below.

Session 1: Use of Quality Improvement Approaches to Strengthen Routine Immunization and Reach the Hardest to Reach Populations
May 12, 2021 | 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM GMT

This session will provide an overview of the RED-QI approach, highlights from program implementation in Ethiopia and Uganda, and featuring a live panel to answer questions on the approach.

Session 2: Mobilizing Local Support for Immunization: Experience from Uganda and Ethiopia in engaging local stakeholders and leaders
May 19, 2021 | 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM GMT

A panel of experts will answer questions about the importance of engaging non-health stakeholders to address local routine immunization issues and sustain problem solving, planning and local resource allocation.

Session 3: Improving Foundational Skills to Build a More Resilient Immunization System
May 26, 2021 | 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM GMT

This session features two case studies that demonstrate improvements in foundational skills: the first on building capacity to use local data to prioritize and problem solve and the second on strategic planning to identify left-out (zero dose) and drop-outs across the life course.

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