Boost COVID-19 Listening & Learning Series: Session 1

April 12, 2021

With the ongoing global introduction of COVID-19 vaccines, immunization professionals face enormous challenges related to vaccine delivery, including identification and prioritization of target populations, effective supply chain management and rapid, sufficient uptake of vaccination.

The Boost Community is excited to announce the launch of its COVID-19 Listening and Learning Series that will provide a platform for immunization professionals, as well as others involved in COVID-19 vaccine delivery, to share their perspectives on vaccine introduction with particular emphasis on transferrable lessons learned.

We invite you to join us for the launch of this series on Monday, April 12 at 9:00 AM EDT. During the launch and over the coming months, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Hear from fellow Boost members and others involved in COVID-19 vaccine introduction including representatives from the private sector about the challenges they are facing or anticipating and how they are approaching those challenges
  • Share your experiences with participants to begin a dialogue on actionable approaches to solving common challenges
  • Connect with partners and other technical experts to expand knowledge and gain access to support as you navigate this crisis

This session is open to all Boost members, immunization professionals and partners engaged in COVID-19 vaccine introduction. If you are involved in vaccine introduction and have a story, challenge or learning that you’d like to share, please contact us at

Register here

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