Global Vaccine and Immunization Research Forum (GVIRF)

February 22, 2021 - February 25, 2021

The Global Vaccine and Immunization Research Forum (GVIRF) is a global meeting that brings together the entire Vaccine and Immunization Research community, from basic immunology to implementation research, and from low to high income countries. It is hosted every two years by World Health Organization, the US National Institutes of Health, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

GVIRF will:

  1. Track progress in vaccine research and development
  2. Identify gapsopportunities and actions to maximize the benefit of immunization
  3. Foster networking and collaboration to accelerate progress
  4. Support implementation of Immunization Agenda 2030

To enable active participation regardless of time zone, GVIRF 2021 will be held twice each day. The first block is for participants closer to the prime meridian (UTC +0). The second block is for participants closer to the international date line (UTC +12). Both blocks will have the same content. Please attend the sessions that work best for you.

GVIRF is hosted every two years by World Health Organization, the US National Institutes of Health, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

View the agenda and find out more information on how to attend the forum here.

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