Second Module of LNCT’s New Free Online Course on Vaccine Hesitancy and Demand Generation Now Available to the Public

Dear LNCT members,

We are pleased to announce that the second module of LNCT’s new online course on vaccine hesitancy and demand generation“Using data to understand immunization behavior and build demand strategies” is now available to the public in English, French, Portuguese and Russian. Developed in partnership with Common Thread, this module outlines the importance of using data to design demand interventions, introduces key qualitative and quantitative research methods for understanding demand issues, and helps participants identify data sources that may already be available to them. The course is free and takes approximately 3 hours to complete. It can be accessed by clicking here and creating an account.

We recommend this course to Ministry of Health and country-level partner staff who wish to build their skills around diagnosing barriers to immunization demand and designing interventions to address them. 50+ learners have already gone through this course…here’s a preview of what some had to say:

  • “It is probably the best online learning program I have enrolled myself in until now… Due to its nature and utility and practical explanations (case studies) I have kept myself enrolled along with my team lead.”
  • “I like this module very much. Everything is clear and useful and applicable to my work.”
  • “…an interesting, well-balanced and engaging training. It was an enjoyable journey.”

Please feel free to share this course widely with your networks. Email if you have any questions, and keep an eye out for future modules!

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