VPPN Webinar: Dose Per Container: The effects of switching to 5-dose vials on vaccine procurement

August 27, 2020

Key learning objectives:

  • To discuss the comparative effects of switching from 10 to 5-dose vials of MR vaccine on vaccine coverage, wastage, dropouts, session size and frequency, storage and distribution and how this applies to other vaccines
  • To provide first-hand country experiences in shifting to 5-dose vials
  • To discuss in plenary the decision-making process in changing DPC
Date & Time:  Thursday, 27 August 2020, 2020 09:00 AM Copenhagen time (CET)
Title:  Dose Per Container: The effects of switching to 5-dose vials on vaccine procurement
Presenters:  Wendy Prosser, Senior Technical Officer, Immunization Center, JSI, USA

Kongxay Phouphenghack,Head of Vaccine Preventable Disease, Mother and Child Health Centre, Ministry of Health, Vientiene Capital, Lao, PDR and

Samphanh Khamsingsavath, Immunization Office, Programme Section, Vientiane, UNICEF

Plenary Key Respondents:  Amos Chweya, Regional Immunization Technical Officer, Immunization Center, JSI, Kenya

Bhrigu Kapuria, Health Specialist (Immunization) UNICEF India

Lilia Velinova de Boever, Contracts Specialist, Supply Division, UNICEF Copenhagen

Moderators:  Andrea Papan, VPPN, Community of Practice Manager, UNICEF and Loic Sanchez, Supply Officer (Immunization), Supply Division, UNICEF


To participate in this webinar, you must register here

Additional Resources: 

Also check out the cross-posted TechNet e-discussion presently taking place: https://www.technet-21.org/en/forums/discussions/evidence-to-action-it-s-time-for-5-dose-measles-vials-to-meet-immunization-program-needs-and-realities

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