Webinar: Vaccine Confidence in the Time of COVID-19

July 22, 2020

Vaccine confidence in the time of COVID-19

Launching a new Lancet publication analysing 5 years of global vaccine confidence trends & discussing the implications for new COVID-19 vaccines

 22nd July, 2-3.30pm (BST)

This webinar will mark the launch of a five-year analysis of vaccine confidence data to be published in the Lancet on July 21st (23:30 BST embargo). “Spatio-temporal trends in vaccine confidence: a global analysis exploring volatility, polarization, and trust.” is a valuable mapping of the current global vaccine confidence landscape and trends. This webinar will present the key findings and highlights from the study and discuss the implications for the introduction of potential COVID-19 vaccines.

Key speakers and line up:

2:00-2:20 – Welcome and highlights of the new publication “Spatio-temporal trends in vaccine confidence: a global analysis exploring volatility, polarization” and comments on the overall global confidence landscape, Heidi Larson, Director of the Vaccine Confidence Project, LSHTM and co-author(s)

2:20-2:35 – Update on the status of COVID-19 vaccines, Beate Kampmann, Director of the LSHTM Vaccine Centre

2:35-2:55 – Regional perspectives on COVID -19 response, Ayoade Alakija, Former Chief Humanitarian Coordinator, Nigeria; Leesa Lin, Assistant Professor, Public health emergency preparedness & response, LSHTM; Clarissa Simas, Lead for Latin American research at the Vaccine Confidence Project, LSHTM

2:55-3:10 – Preparedness for new COVID-19 vaccine(s), Scott Ratzan, Editor, Journal of Health Communication and Associate Professor, City University of New York(CUNY) & Nancy Lee, Wilton Park, co-leading a new initiative with the Vaccine Confidence Project (COVID-19 Vaccine Information, Communication and Engagement)

3:10-3:30 – Moderated Q&A

3:30 – END

You must register for this webinar here

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