How Video Games and Quizzes are Boosting Vaccine Education

This article originally appeared in Vaccines Today. Below is an excerpt.

Scientists and video game developers have teamed up to create a variety of ways to communicate health information. The idea is simple: make it fun and people will be happy to play ‒ effortlessly learning key scientific concepts along the way.

Getting the balance right can be tricky. If so-called ‘serious games’ focus too heavily on education, they risk losing the entertaining elements that make great games so engaging. But if it’s all fun and no content, it does as much for health literacy as Super Mario Bros do for the public understanding of plumbing.

Getting the balance right can be tricky. If so-called ‘serious games’ focus too heavily on education, they risk losing the entertaining elements that make great games so engaging. But if it’s all fun and no content, it does as much for health literacy as Super Mario Bros do for the public understanding of plumbing.

Learn more about how games and quizzes are being used to deepen understanding and build trust in vaccines and whether the strategy works in the full article in Vaccines Today.

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