CALL FOR APPLICANTS: Training for Promotion of Vaccine Demand to Maintain and Restore Routine Immunisation and Promote COVID-19 Vaccination

What: This training, for the first time, ties together the interrelated threads of infodemic management, behavioral insights, and social data and intervention design into a training and rostering strategy that addresses country needs now. Trainees will be equipped with the latest tools, resources and expertise to comprehensively promote vaccine demand, supported by expertise from WHO, UNICEF, US CDC, GAVI and partners from the Vaccination Demand Hub.

Purpose: Build capacity of participants to address critical health and immunisation program needs by:

  • Providing diagnostics and socio-behavioral insights into challenges to routine immunization and COVID-19 vaccination uptake, or uptake of PHSM in specific communities
  • Developing evidence-based strategies, messages, materials and reports
  • addressing critical immunization program needs, designing and deploying effective interventions that are centered around the needs of communities
  • Incorporating M&E and health systems strengthening approaches to support critical immunization program needs and other emergency response efforts

When: Online training over 4 weeks during 11 June-07 July 2022

Applications and Deadlines: Interested applicants should fill out the application form, include a link to a 4 minute personal video responding to the below questions, and CV. Applications should be submitted by 8 May 2022 at 18:00 Geneva Switzerland time.

Learn more information, including eligibility criteria, details on time commitment, scope of the training, and how to apply.

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