LNCT Sponsoring Scholarships for Individuals from LNCT Member Countries to Attend Training Workshops on Economics and Financing

LNCT is sponsoring a scholarship program for individuals from LNCT member countries to attend select Teaching Vaccine Economics Everywhere (TVEE) training workshops in their region. TVEE workshops help participants to strengthen skills related to economics and financing of national immunization programs and to improve the sustainability of vaccine delivery in low and middle-income countries. The LNCT TVEE scholarship will cover airfare, hotel accommodation, transportation, per diem, and tuition. Only 2-4 scholarships will be awarded per workshop, with a maximum of 2 scholarships awarded per country.

To be eligible to apply for the LNCT scholarship, an individual must be from a LNCT country in the region of the workshop and involved in the planning and implementation of immunization programs, including government representatives (national-, regional-, state-, or district-level) engaged with immunization, NITAG members, and other immunization policy makers.

The next TVEE workshop, taking place in Bangkok, Thailand from 24-26 March, will provide beginner content in costing and economic evaluation, with a deeper look into costing methodology, decision analysis, and cost-effectiveness modeling. Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to better understand and apply economic information to immunization policy decision making.

Individuals from the following countries are eligible to apply for a LNCT scholarship to attend this workshop: India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Timor Leste, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam. This workshop will be conducted in English, therefore English reading and speaking capabilities are required for participation. Additional scholarship opportunities for other LNCT countries may be available as TVEE courses are confirmed in other regions.

To apply for the scholarship for the Thailand workshop, interested individuals that meet the eligibility requirements should submit the following information to LNCT Network Coordinators at info@lnct.global no later than Thursday, 30 January 2020.

  1. Completed scholarship application
  2. Current CV
  3. Signed letter from supervisor acknowledging approval to attend the workshop should the applicant be awarded the scholarship

For more information on the scholarship program or eligibility criteria, please see the LNCT website.

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