“Draft Zero” of the Immunization Agenda 2030, is aimed at setting a new vision and strategy for vaccines and immunization for the next decade (2021-2030). The draft document is a step along the way in co-creating the future of immunization together – one that reflects the collective inputs of many people, coming from different organizations including from governments, communities, health professions, academia, development agencies, civil society and the private sector. Inside the document are instructions on how to provide and share feedback to this draft zero by June 14, 2019. For any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to immunizationagenda2030@who.int.
An English Webcast of ‘Draft Zero’ was created. This is a 35 minute audio presentation of the document and its content. You might find this helpful in complement to / or in replacement of reading the document itself. The Webcast can be retrieved from this link. Best to download and view online. Additionally, a French version of the ‘Draft Zero’ Immunization Agenda 2030 is now available for our Francophone audience.