Transition to Program Budgeting in Health: Experience from Countries and Lessons Learned

WHO’s Department of Health Systems Governance and Financing is providing support to Ministries of Health in this transition process, with the following aims: 1) building the knowledge base on good practices in health budget reforms, including the development of an online health budget portal and country case studies; 2) providing technical support and guidance to countries transitioning to program budgeting in health; 3) capacity development at global and country level. By documenting country experience of budget reforms in the health sector, lessons can be drawn and shared with other countries.

Country case studies presented here document experience with budget reforms from the perspective of the health sector. Specifically, they focus on transition to program budgeting, describing the reform process, motivation for reforms, key actors, progress and remaining challenges. These case studies are unique in linking general budgeting and health financing reforms in the country, identifying the effects of these reforms on alignment of health policy priorities and budgets, prioritization of health expenditures, and shift to output-based provider payment methods.

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